Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Eagle has landed....

Hey everyone, I'm home. The nurses thought anyone who could drag an IV pole that fast needed to get out of there.

I'm going to start off these blogs by taking care of business so you don't have to read through all my rantings to figure out what's going on with the "health thing" and whether we need anything. Here we go. My parents are here and Fox News is already on the tube. Obviously Alain doesn't read this blog. We are set with food. My mother ate Indian food last night and liked it. Will wonders never cease?

Here's our current dilemma: Alain has trained for months to run the Philadelphia Marathon which is this weekend. His original plan was to leave Friday and come home late Sunday. My parents are here until Saturday. I am not moving very quickly and cannot drive. Would any of you out there in the blogosphere be able to help me out with the kids Saturday evening and Sunday during the day? Act now 'cause otherwise I'm selling the little buggers on Ebay.

Well, I don't have anything to rant about today. I think the auto companies ought to take their licks with bankruptcy just like the rest of us poor slobs. One silver lining of this failing economy is that there will be a lot fewer rude or inattentive service personnel out there when there are 15 guys lined up behind them for their jobs. Case in point. This summer I went into a local bike store to buy a new seat. I stood in front of the array of seats while several 20 something's hung out by the register. I was about to complain when one finally sauntered over. I guess I didn't look enough like a friend of Lance (even though I picked the Tour winner correctly this year). He asked if I needed help. I told him I would like to go on a bike ride that did not feel like a two hour gynecologic exam. I got the seat I wanted and he has a very disturbing mental image to live with.

Dr. Bif

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