Sunday, February 28, 2010

Officially bored....

Got internet access back.  Still here at Highland.  Just getting IV antibiotics and some blood.  dr. Angel is going to keep me here for a couple days until I'm ready for chemo.  Alain and the kids are fine.  Food doesn't seem to be a problem.

It is for me.  I still can't eat.  Not that I have an appetite but I miss food.  Oh well.

Visitors would be fine.  Just call ahead to make sure I'm here or not asleep.  Hope to see you, miss you all.


While watching the snow falling

I don't have internet access right now.  Got admitted with a fever from an infected picc line on wed.  Highland's old relic for patient use is down.  Wouldn't mind a few visitors.  Just call ahead in case they've sent me home.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

still here...the queen of complications

the latest complication has been a line infection and leaking nephrostomy tubes.  the port that has served me well for 5 years had to come out this morning for a candida infection of all things.  that will only mean something to you medical types.  it's unusual.  they also changed one of the tubes in my right kidney.

I've been pretty sick with the line infection and have hunkered down, sleeping a lot.  my parents came back today so we will be good with food while they are here.

just a quick update.  back off to bed.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I lied

I lied.  I'm still in the hospital.  Had some bleeding after the procedure.  Needed a blood transfusion; my platelets were pretty low too.  Having problems with pain control....looks like another 2-3 days here.

Thanks for all the food Alain and the boys have been feasting on.  They are good right now so please don't send any more just yet.  I'm jealous.  No solid food has passed these lips since January 8th.

I miss you all.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Radio silence...

I was pretty quiet last week.  At home I wasn't feeling well.  I had  a good reason.  I was working on getting my potassium dangerously low and dehydrated.  My buddy Ann took me in last Thursday to get those problems fixed.

I need a quick procedure today for the kidney tubes and I may go home later or tomorrow.

We are good with food right now.  When I'm home I may need some folks to drop by and check on me.  I am craving, craving, craving a bowl of raisin bran.  It was a staple of my childhood.  Like some Japanese foods there is a ceremony and certain way of eating raisin bran.  Most school mornings and definitely before any swim meet I performed the Raisin Bran Ritual.

Choose a large bowl with sloping sides.  Put in at least 2 servings full, less if a parent is watching.  Add some sugar but take care that it not go all the way down into the flakes.  The majority should sit like snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro.  Your choice of milk is very important.  It determines the experience you will have.  You can have any kind of milk but be aware of the different texture and flavor each type (skim, 2% or whole) will create.

Choose a medium sized spoon that is not too wide.  It must be large enough to gather many flakes but you should not have milk dribbling on your chin.  This is not proper.  Gather the flakes from the sides of the bowl using as little milk to eat as possible.  Avoid the raisins.  You may eat one or two raisins every 4th bite.  You may also consume some of the sugared flakes which takes skill so as not to pour the sugar off into the bowl.  Feel the sugar crunch with the flake in your mouth.

As you approach the bottom you will have mostly milk and raisins.  It is time to dive for mussels.  Scoop out as many raisins as you can and eat them in one mouthful.  Note the firm texture of the raisins has softened up ever so slightly with the milk.  When you have finished the raisins you may now pick up the bowl, swirl any sugar to dissolve and gulp the sweet milk.  You are done.

Now go!  I have no more time for your impertinence.  We will eat of the Kellogs when you are ready.  You have much to learn, young grasshopper.