Saturday, January 16, 2010

Root beer to float the day away...

Sorry, it's been a while since my last post.  Time loses meaning here.  I'm still at Highland.  I am doing much better.  After reviewing the latest CT scan my doctors have decided the best way to address my problems is to change my chemo regimen and let my bowels rest.  So no surgery for me.  Yesterday I got something called a gastrostomy tube into my stomach so I do not need to ever again have a tube put down my nose.  I will go home with this and can relieve any pressure from my gut if it chooses not to work again.  I'm getting fed intravenously and will have that during the night at home.

All this is temporary.  I won't be eating solids for a while but I can drink clear liquids.  Last night I had a juice festival.  Tonight Alain visited with my boys and brought, at my request, root beer and vanilla ice cream.  We made floats.  Ok, vanilla ice cream doesn't count as clear liquid so I just had a little.  He left me the bottle of root beer though and I'm about to float away on a brown river of bubbles.  My mouth is really dry so I just sip, sip, sip and try not to overdue it.  My stomach drains into the gastrostostomy tube and into a bag so what goes in just flows out.  Kind of a bulimic's dream really.  Maybe that's in poor taste.  Ok, it is in poor taste.  I must be feeling better.

I am doing much better than when I showed up here due to the nutrition I've gotten and the hydration.  I've had a kidney infection while I'm here and had a fever but now that it is treated we are starting to make plans to break me out of this joint.  I'd ask someone to send a file in a bottle of grape soda but the soda would probably dissolve it.

See you soon on the outside.

Dr. Bif


Unknown said...

Sounds like a good compromise - better than surgery. Alain will have to start making home-brew root beer...

Unknown said...

Hi Beth,

Glad you are feeling better and the kidney infection has been taken care of. Hope you can return home soon, let us know if we can be of any help until you do; i.e., transportation, shopping or even childcare. Love your blog, first time I participate in one, although I was not able to upload a picture from the collection in our computer's hard drive.

Ed & Maria

JoAnne Ruffell said...

Hi Beth!

So glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better. At least well enough to write, that's a good sign. I hope things continue to get better and you will be able to go home soon. I have truly missed you and think about you every day hoping things start getting better for you. I love your blog! Please feel free to call if you need ANYTHING!!! If Alain needs a break and you two could just use some quiet time and privacy together i would love to take the boys for a day..... I'm sure i could find tons of ways of entertaining them... with all the kids in my house i think they would love it! maybe a sledding day or something.... we can hook up with karen and molly too! Please let me know if there is anything i can do for you! Keep us updated on your status... miss you and get well soon!!


Craig said...

hey. I was wondering how you were. Shouldn't have looked. Suffice to say that you are on my mind (small that it is) and always available to you and Alain