Wednesday, January 20, 2010

An embarassment of riches

Again, sorry to not have posted for a few days.  I'm kinda like, sick ya know?

I am so lucky to have so many caring friends.  I love you all and feel so grateful knowing you are all out there willing to help.  So how do I say this delicately?

I don't want to talk to you.

I'm not sleeping well at night here and need to catch up on sleep at other times.  I'll try and keep the blog updated (Alain could help with that again) and I'll try and remember to turn my phone off when I don't want calls. 

Ok, so here's the update.  I'm a sick little puppy.  I have a tube coming out of my stomach to drain the ongoing bowel obstruction.  I will not likely have any real food for a couple weeks.  I may go home in a couple of days.  I will be getting nutrition through the IV.  The kidney infection (or wherever it came from) is getting better.  I will also be getting IV antibiotics at home.  I'm still having a fair amount of pain and need medicine for it regularly.  Dr. Angel thought I should count on a 6 week recovery and be pleasantly surprised if I am back sooner than that.  I'm usually a quick heal.

According to Dr. Angel I look a whole lot better than when I came in.  I can only imagine what that looked like before.

Gonna go bag some zzzz's now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feel better Beth. I had TPN for 6 months when pregnant with Jessie. Not too bad. We're missing you.
Dina and your fellow knitters