Thursday, March 18, 2010

My own wing of the hospital...

The administration is thinking of renaming 5East after me since I have become a permanent fixture.  I came in yet again within 24 hours of being discharged.  Technically these aren't "bounce backs" since I present with a new problem each time.  Yesterday it was a new fever and belly pain.  All is well.  My platelet count is low (30) but my white count is fine meaning I'm not immune compromised.

Dr. Angel spoke to me this morning about surgery in a month.  This would be to relieve the bowel obstruction that doesn't seem to want to get fixed by the new chemo.  Pretty exciting.  The possible results are a complete reversal of the obstruction and normal eating or a reversal of the obstruction but not enough of my own intestine left so that I would still have to rely on IV nutrition.  Still I would have no pain and I'd be able to enjoy some food.  Very worth it.

More details as conditions warrant...

Thank you everyone who has continued to send good thoughts.  It means a lot not to be forgotten up here in the grey tower.  Give me a call and come visit if I'm awake!



Anonymous said...

Thinking of you, Beth! You are missed at the guild. HOpe you feel better soon. Dina

Anonymous said...

Hi, Beth. I keep trying to call your room but get no answer. Is there a good time to call? I don't want to wake you up!