Friday, March 27, 2009

kick the cat

Ok, so no takers on a knitting session. Ladies, I'm bitter about that.

I haven't posted in a while. Not much to report and that's a good thing. This whole blog thing gets a little self centered after a while. "But enough about me! What do you think of my blog?"

I'm doing chemo again about which I am just thrilled. It's going fine. I am having some complications from various things which I am not enjoying and will not go into detail. It's just more information than you all really need. All of this has put me in a really spectacular mood. Several patients have been uppity this week and I was really spoiling for a fight. You know what I mean? I really wanted to let someone have it. Everyone turned out to have simple misunderstandings so I am resigned, as usual, to take my frustrations out on my family. I'd kick the cat but I don't have one.

So the next person that tells me, "My gosh, you're handling this so well!" will probably get the end of my shoe lodged somewhere really creative.

I asked my brother to review my story about Grandma and the Can of Tuna. Is it blog-able? I asked. He said no. Go ahead, Ted. Tell me what you really think. What the hell does he know. I'll revise it and post it later.

Dr. Bif


grace1006 said...

For God's sake don't ask Ted something like that! I would think you'd be much better off asking Kate.

My cat Ubly isn't the least bit happy with you threatening your imaginary cat.

I'd knit with you, but one of us would have to travel almost 600 miles to do it.

Lara said...

Wait - I am slow to get here but the knitting email is out and we will get it going for your! Sorry for the pathetic delay.

grace2 said...

I'd knit with you as well...but one of us would have to travel, I think more than 600 miles...I'm willing to do that. Oh, but I don't really knit.....would that be a problem? I could take pictures of you knitting, and then put them in a scrapbook for you!

grace2 said...

...oh, I would be happy to get you cat if you need to kick one! I just want to be able to help you if I can. :)