Monday, March 9, 2009

The roller coaster goes up and down, up and down, up and down...

I haven't had much new to report. Until last week when some bloodwork came back fairly nasty. I need to get a CT scan in NYC tomorrow. Very good chance I will be out of the study and back on the chemo train since it looks like the miracle drug isn't working any more. We'll see what the scan shows.

If you're wondering whether I think I can handle this with my usual witty aplomb. I think it sucks eggs.

We'll bring you more on this story as the details come in.

You're watching Dr. Bif News. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.


Kristen said...

maybe they will let you off the coaster after only one loop di doop!
good luck!!!

Booky said...

hope it's working!! Ted is staying at my house tonight and at lest i don't have to give up me bed. again. Say hi to my mom for me!
<(^_^)> meg

Unknown said...

Hope they have some better news for you in NY today!