Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ah technology...

I just figured out why you all can't leave comments. This silly thing was set to take comments only from registered users. I fixed that. You may now comment away. What's the matter, cat got your tongue?

We had our usual speed seder last night. I made a LOT of food for passover. My parents were in attendance and some friends. My mother and my friend from medical school, Helen were in rare form either swearing or recounting how gruesome one of our urology professors could get in his lectures (that's the pee-pee doctor for you non-medical types). Most of the stories had to do with misguided but enthusiastic attempts at self-gratification. Vicky, Adam's nanny was also in attendance. She's a very religious woman who never swears. I wanted to slide under the table a few times. She seemed to hold up well though.

Lara and Dina came to knit with me and I am now happy until the next knitter's guild meeting.



Anonymous said...

I'm honored to make the blog. Can't wait to see your finished sweater!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. Not only are you a great writer you are funny! Have you ever considered writing a book about your experiences with your illness - you would be an inspiration to all........