Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dr. Bif who?

Sure has been a long time n'est ce pas?  Not much to report. I successfully made it out of the horsepistol (that's what my Dad always called the hospital).  I'm going back in the day after tomorrow for surgery.

I have a couple reasons for keeping it short tonight: It's possible that this date may change at the last last minute if we can't get urology on board.  I'm on pain medicine and my typing skills are less than perfect.  Good reasons for short and sweet I think.

I do want to send out of few thank you's however. The ham/bean soup smelled lovely and my family assures me it tasted as good as it smelled. 

The ride on short notice was a big help.

All the craft projects for my crew were fun. We never ate many of the colored eggs.  They seemed to get dropped at an alarming rate.  Worth it.

I have located a "ghost knitter." I think she is going to finish her bit before me but pain medicine does interfere a wee bit with hand/eye coordination.

I've appreciated the cards and calls. I love the lotion/cremes.

I can think of only one other who needs a thank.  If I forgot you, it's probably the drugs.

Finally, I thought I married a great guy.  Now I know it for sure.  He sure has stepped up to the plate with well, everything.  He's a terrific father.  He's got dinner under control every night.  He's on top of homework, music lessons and hebrew school and still finds time to spend with the kids going to the park or a movie.  He helps me with my IV medicine every night.  Now that he's been thoroughly embarassed, someone do him a favor. He needs to go out for a beer.  Albert, Craig, Doug...?

I'll update about the surgery as soon as I have any details.



Unknown said...

Thanks for the update! We're thinking about you at the IHSC.

Unknown said...

good grief lady---will you send updates a bit more frequently? great to hear from you. love, jehanna

Unknown said...

thinking about you daily. hold on my dear!