Monday, June 29, 2009

Schnoz Free!

My nose is free. The tube is out. Tomorrow I eat something and get the hell out!

I am the Highlander, there can be only one!

I'm at Highland Hospital again and I'm not the only one here so not a very good title.

I should be out soon. I had a bowel obstruction on Friday. Previous surgeries and radiation made things sticky in there. I have a tube down my nose and into my stomach. It is an absolute joy. On the pain medication I was having freaky dreams, getting chased by monsters. As I started to feel better I started having dreams about glasses of water. The best was a glass of cold orange juice. I opened up a fridge and there were several gallon jugs all open.

Today I drank about 4 little cups of apple juice. I'd have to say I prefer that to orange juice lest some kind hearted soul send a bunch of cans to my house. I'm hoping to get out in a day or so. the NG tube in my nose is clamped and we are seeing how well I fly on my own. I'm supposed to leave for France on Friday. We're going to France, we're going to France, everyone now, we're going to france...

a bientot.

Dr. Le Bif